Booking Policy.

  • Deposits are non-refundable. The full amount of the deposit paid will be deducted off the price of the tattoo on the day of your appointment. Zoe will have your design ready on the day of the appointment, and will allot time for changes to be made.

  • If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment you automatically forfeit your deposit.

  • You must give us 48 hours notice prior to your scheduled appointment if you need to reschedule or you automatically forfeit your deposit.

  • The best way to reschedule/cancel is send an email to Do not reply to your appointment reminder text. These texts are automated and we cannot see the replies.

  • Your deposit can be used to reschedule a maximum of 2 times after the initial booking. 

  • Your deposit is valid for a 6 month period. 

  • If you are paying with a voucher you do not need to pay a deposit, however the value of the deposit will be subtracted from your voucher if you do not adhere to the cancellation policy.

My practice and Your rights.

  • Our space strives to be an inclusive and safe space for all. We will not tolerate or engage in any conversation that is offensive, including but not limited to racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia.

  • We refuse to tattoo any design that is offensive or culturally appropriative.

  • We welcome constructive criticism, and aim to reduce assumptions of one’s identity.

  • We prioritise client safety, comfort and consent, and aim to take away power imbalances between the tattoo artist and client.

  • Our space is set up to be comfortable. We strive to make the tattoo process as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.

  • You are always welcome to bring a support person to the appointment.

  • Communication is always key, and always feel comfortable voicing your needs.

  • You have the right to move the stencil and change the sizing of your tattoo.

  • Any information that is shared throughout the tattoo process is treated as confidential. I will always listen and be non-judgmental.

  • You have a right to end the session if you are feeling unwell, uncomfortable, or for any other circumstance. This is also interchangeable to the artist as well :)